AI is Finally Intelligent

Discover how OpenAI's Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing quality control in the denim industry, making manual inspections a thing of the past. Learn how Nexoid's innovative integration of LLMs is set to redefine business efficiency and drive growth.

Jonathon Grantham

Imagine running a premium denim brand, quality control is key. Production perfection is the goal. Manual inspections are time-consuming, expensive and inaccurate – this is a job for AI. Traditional AI achieves this by using a training dataset (a large collection of images of both damaged and undamaged denim). Datasets can be expensive to build and are reserved for those with deep pockets and technical know-how. For most SMEs, this is not feasible.

On November 30th, 2022, the game changed forever. OpenAI introduced ChatGPT, heralding the era of Large Language Models (LLMs). Differing from traditional AI systems, which are often built to solve a single problem; LLMs are the first example of a true all-purpose artificial intelligence. Think of an LLM as an executive assistant who has read every book, studied every degree and can speak every language.

Jonathon GranthamWhen tested with a WAIS-IV IQ test, LLMs often achieve a perfect score. A human approaching the same score would be deemed to have an immeasurable IQ. Some argue this is because the IQ questions and answers were part of the AI’s training dataset. Although true, the argument is flawed – recalling pre-learned answers is human and the reason we send our kids to school. How often does someone have a genuinely unique idea that isn’t built on a previous concept?

LLMs aren’t perfect. They have limited ‘context’ or memory of a conversation. Currently, LLMs are unable to build on ideas from multiple previous thoughts, though this is evolving. Think of them as a genius with a short-term memory deficiency.

How does this affect my business? In short, you now have access to an unlimited number of cheap, super-intelligent, ultra-efficient digital employees. To capitalise on this resource you must improve the efficiency of your day-to-day business workflow.

Nexoid is a customisable business workflow or ERP solution designed from the ground up to integrate with any system. Our native, out-of-the-box integration system accesses the most powerful LLM; allowing our customers to analyse, estimate and automate large parts of their business.

One of our many solutions is Nexoid ITSM, an IT department management solution. Using LLMs to read, summarise and assign priority, while estimating the difficulty, security risk and time required to resolve help desk tickets, this system collects management information and streamlines an IT department’s efficiency. Manual tasks that were previously time-consuming become automated.

The future is even more amazing. Nexoid’s LLM implementation now supports ‘functions’ which interact with the real world. As well as autonomously performing a task, it understands independently that a task needs to be performed.

The application of Nexoid’s LLM is vast and ever expanding, redefining efficiency and driving growth.