Interactive Demo:
AI Incident Classification

Nexoid interprets soft ticket data, shedding light on the language, complexity, time to competition, security and more. Ask yourself: "What management information are you missing?" With Nexoid, you'll uncover those missing pieces, empowering you to manage more efficiently and intuitively.

Interactive Demos

Below is a demonstration of our AI incident classification system. You can either choose from one of the five examples provided or enter your own. Once you've made a selection or input a ticket, click "Analyse". The AI will then determine the priority, original language, security risk, estimated time to resolve, and provide a concise summary.


Write your own Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5



Analyse Analyse
Processing (may take up to 2 minutes)...


An error occurred connecting to server. Please try again.


Original language


Security risk

Estimated time to resolve

Incident summary

As a help desk manager overseeing a dedicated team, gauging performance goes beyond just tallying resolved tickets. What if team members opt for the simple quick to resolve tickets? Enter Nexoid ITSM. With our AI-driven system, each ticket is impartially assessed for difficulty and estimated resolution time, giving you a more holistic view of your team's efficiency.

Safety first! With high-security risks ever-present, Nexoid AI ITSM offers a swift and standalone review of all high-risk tickets, ensuring optimal security.

Multilingual support or seeking efficiency? Our innovative summary tool doesn't just translate; it distills, ensuring your team accesses only the most pertinent information.